happy birthday, misu!

i can confidently say that i am thrilled january is over. while it wasn’t a particularly terrible month, it just seemed to move at a glacial pace. february has so much for me to look forward to. not only is it my birthday month but today, my baby turns two!

misu has brought me an inordinate amount of joy. he has shown me so much about unconditional love.

i feel like in some ways, we rescued one another. when i think of how he loved on my mom last year while i was hospitalized, it can bring me to tears. to say they have a special bond would be an understatement.

misu and i are certainly fortunate to have so many people who love him so much. here are some of my favorite shots taken by/with some of his favorite people:

pool day with auntie lynnie – summer 2021
freshly groomed with auntie amanda – spring 2021
dinner with uncle pooh bear – december 2020

happy birthday to my little rascal. i just adore you.


k. tap

5 thoughts on “happy birthday, misu!

  1. Pingback: thought of the week: what a precious privilege it is to be alive – keep up with k.tap

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